Interdentale meets Karma Dentistry: 3 neue Online-Seminare!

26 August 2021

Interdentale 2021 – weiter geht’s! Wir freuen uns sehr, in Kooperation mit unserem niederländischen Partner Karma Dentistry gleich drei spannende neue Online-Veranstaltungen anbieten zu können. Am besten gleich anmelden!

„Social media and dentistry - how to navigate through a world of smoke and mirrors“ (14.9.)
In this presentation Maarten de Beer will talk about social media and dentistry. He will give you insight in the best ways to start your dental career and how you can use social media for your own personal growth and benefit. He will talk about his daily inspirators and how social media changed his life.

„An introduction in digitally planned orthodontics and esthetics“ (21.9.)
In this lecture, Jasper Thoolen will show you some examples in how to integrate digital orthodontics in simple and more complicated restorative cases, and how to communicate the necessity of orthodontics to as well the patient as the involved specialists.

„Failure & Success with Infiltration“ (9.11.)
In this online session, Erik-Jan Muts will present the dos and don’ts of resin infiltration. He will show how our treatment planning is guided by the histology of the enamel abnormalities and how combining the „Fantastic Four“ (bleaching, micro-abrasion, infiltration and cosmetic bonding) will even boost our success.

Alle drei Veranstaltungen finden in englischer Sprache statt.
Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei und wird mit 2 Fortbildungspunkten honoriert.

Für Fragen oder Anregungen zur Interdentale steht Julia Kunert gern zur Verfügung, einfach eine Mail schicken an: clinicalresearch(at)

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